Friday, December 2, 2011

Silly Buddy the Elf

We have a special Christmas Elf that watches over us during the Christmas season. He is the one that reports to Santa if we have been naughty or nice. We can't touch him because it makes his magic go away. Once everyone in the house is asleep he comes alive with Christmas Magic and flys to Santa and tells him how we have been and then flies back into a new spot in the house. It's so fun to wake up and try to find his new hiding place. Last night he played a silly trick on us. While we were all asleep he got a marker and made our noses red! Even Mommy and Daddy had red noses. It was really cute how Quinny's little nose was red too. It was crazy! When I woke up (Tristan) I just looked over at Kaylee and said, "Kaylee! What's wrong with your nose?! It's all red!" and then I said (Kaylee) "Tris! So is yours!" We ran downstairs and that's when we saw mama sleeping with her red nose! We were just so confused what had happened and it made Tris a little scared when even Mama didn't know. But then we found old Buddy in the Christmas tree with a red marker in his hands and his silly little smile. He is just such a sneaky sneakerton. We have been giggling all morning about it. Crazy Buddy!

-bug and sis

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